VS Code Shortcuts for Developers!!🔥🔥
Hey!! you are Lazy coder and do things in an optimized manner?, here you go with major shortcuts to access “VISUAL STUDIO CODE” in an Optimistic way!! :)

Being Web developer “VS Code” changed my life with tons of features like fast, extensible, customizable and what not!!. if you are lazy programmer just like me, then I suggest you to go with VS Code open-source, Cross-platform.
VS Code Shortcuts
There are lots of Built-in shortcuts in Visual Studio code and memorizing all of them is a big deal for me!! from my experience I have gone through 550 shortcuts out of those 550. Honestly out of all 550 shortcuts few shortcuts made my programming fast and easier!!
Here you go:
Command Palette
The command palette gives access to each and every functionality of VS Code.

Windows: Ctrl + Shift + P
MacOS: Command + Shift + P
Duplicate Line UP/Down
Basically This Duplication Line UP/DOWN shortcut is very helpful to me in CSS while duplicating tags. Yeah!! it’ll be more helpful in duplication in blocks of code as well!!. Mostly I use this technique in duplicating JS blocks.

Windows: Shift + Alt +UP /Shift + Alt + Down
MacOS: Shift + Option +UP /Shift + Option+ Down
Move Line UP/Down
This Shortcut is similar as above shortcut which moves line according to the option assigned. very helpful in moving blocks of code in CSS and JS.

Windows: Alt + Up / Alt + Down
MacOS: Option + Up / Option + Down
Indent / Outdent Line
When we copy paste in VS Code the code won’t be aligned properly so get rid of that this shortcut is very helpful to indent or outdent entire block of code.

Windows: Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [
MacOS: Command + ] / Command + [
Multi-Select Selection
If you want to change all the H1 tags into H4 tags in a script. instead of changing one by one you can select all tags at a time and change it accordingly.
I mean you can highlight just one H1 tag, and as you hit shortcut below it goes through and select the other instances of that tag as well, which provides interactive cursor.

Windows: Ctrl + D
MacOS: Command + D
Multi-Select Cursor
This shortcut is similar to above shortcut instead of selecting multiple occurrences of a selection, you can place cursor in multiple locations, and make edits to all at a time.

Windows: Option + Click
MacOS: Alt + Click
Toggle line comment
when we want to disable or enable block of code in HTML / CSS/C/C++ just by selecting whole script we can make programming easier!!
this is the most favorite shortcut for me!! ^_^

Windows: Ctrl+ /
MacOS: Command + /
Show / Hide Terminal
you are product developer and use VS Code Extensively then this OS terminal shortcut is for you!!

Windows: Ctrl +’
MacOS: Control +’
Toggle Sidebar
while writing code when you want to access other scripts then sidebar will make it easier!

Windows: Ctrl + B
MacOS: Command + B
VS Code Auto Complete HTML Tags Not working?
if your Visual Studio Code is not autocompleting your html tags than I have a solution to enable Emmet Abbriviations and snippets in Visual studio cross-platform.
Follow these steps:
1.Go to File>Preferences>Settings

2. Move to Extensions>Emmet>Edit in settings.json

3.now copy paste the code in that braces in settings.json script
“emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab”: true, “files.associations”: {“*html”:”html”},
Now Check that your issue will be resolved!! : D

She thought “ it was the main method of her code which she wished to access every time BUT it was that Exception block in her code which she never wanted to access again..!” :(
It — failure in past : Past can’t be accessed just move forward!!
Thanks for the patience!! I hope you found this post useful!
I would be more than happy if you send your feedback, suggestions or ask queries. Moreover, I love to connect people who are really passionate about building real time products!!
If you have any suggestions or queries contact me:
Github: https://github.com/KONA-VENKATA-SAI-LAKSHMI
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kona-venkata-sai-lakshmi-938842154/